“DIAMOND IN THE DIRT” By Hussain M Hassan & Sean Kardar

A portrait piece into the mind of Robbie 'The Camden Caretaker' Chapman - a journeyman boxer and his battle between desire and duty.


"Theres always been that thing, pulling me back, to try and win"

An insight into the mind of the Camden Caretaker, journeyman, Robbie Chapman. A unique character in the sport of boxing, once known as a prospect, now known as the best looking journeyman in England. Caught between desire and duty, Robbie Chapman was recently awarded the Southern Area Best Supporting Boxer of the year by the BBBofC to recognise his ongoing service to the sport.

A big thanks to Robbie Chapman for allowing us to share an insight into his journey, his mind, his thoughts. A true gent and a great soul!”

- Hussain M Hassan



Robbie Chapman

Directors // Hussain M Hassan, Sean Kardar

Editor // Hussain M Hassan

DOP // Sean Kardar

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