“Demons” by Florian Kasperski and Jesper Eriksson

“Demons” is the first filmed performance of the famous Lars Norén piece presented in English. Norén is one of Sweden’s most reputable contemporary writers, with over a hundred published plays underneath his name. We have been delighted for the opportunity to adapt his work to the screen and open up his writing to an international community by presenting it in an English translation.


“Demons” is an attempt to bring the working principles of theatre to film. The piece scales back set and context, reminiscent of the stylisation of theatre, which lends a more abstracted impression. These aesthetic choices are intended to give space for the text and the performances to take centre stage.

Lars Norén’s writing is intricately crafted for psychological nuance and musicality. The fraught exchanges between characters serve to reveal their vulnerabilities and to build rhythmic and musical texture. Musicality becomes the vehicle through which the text hooks into the artery of emotional resonance, and together they express the characters' deepest desires and anxieties. The performances were developed through a traditional rehearsal process; they were deliberately designed so that the entire scene could be filmed from top to bottom without cutting. This, in our opinion, was crucial to allow for flow and exploration of intentions and actions throughout shooting, which ultimately enabled us to find many of the prominent moments in the middle of a take.

Overall, Demons is much like an exorcism, albeit an unsuccessful one which repeats itself again and again like a trite old song. Perhaps it's a relationship drama that no one wishes to see themselves reflected in, yet secretly, some of us might.

-Florian Kaspersk and Jesper Eriksson



Katarina// Lea Anderson

Frank// Jesper Eriksson

Directors// Florian Kasperski/ @kinoflo_kasperski & Jesper Eriksson/ @jeserikson

Producers// Jesper Eriksson @jeserikson& Lea Anderson/ @_itsleaa

Cinematographer// Bojan Brbora/ @bojanbrbora

Assistant Camera// Jeremy Otari/ @otarisealion

Dramaturgy// Giles Foreman/ @gilesforeman_actingcoach

1st AD// Tasou Palisidou/ @pali_tasou

2nd AD and Script Supervisor// Leda Contopanagos/ @leda.echo

Sound Recording, Engineering and Composing// Zak Serroukh/ @theotherzak

Special Thanks// Daniel Nikolaison & Landfall Media

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