“This General Evil” by Ben Leake

From the Quatrain short film collection - four Shakespeare sonnet adaptations exploring the rich variety of his subject matter- the frustration of creative block, the self-disgust beneath self-obsession, the absurdity of denial, and our struggle to reckon with the unrelenting passage of time. 'This General Evil' contemporizes the shifting defenses and self-justification of a man accused of infidelity.


“‘This General Evil’ adapts Shakespeare’s 121st Sonnet, a series of self-contradictory defenses against accusations of infidelity. Punctuating each section of the original text with a contemporary read, the short highlights the timeless absurdity of man doubling (and tripling) down to avoid admitting personal fault. 

The piece is the third segment in ‘Quatrain’, a short film collection of Shakespeare sonnet adaptations.”

-Ben Leake


Director// Ben Leake/ @ben_leake

Talent// Divine Ntomchukwu/ @divinentomchukwu

Production Assistant// Owen Andersen/ @oowenandersenn

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